10 Horror Movie Sequels You Had No Idea Were Just Released

5. All These Amityville Movies

Jeepers Creepers Reborn
Pollonia Brothers Entertainment

Because the mythic Amityville hauntings are based on a real series of murders, there's been nothing stopping enterprising filmmakers from churning out low-effort sequels and spin-offs bearing the Amityville name in order to make a quick buck.

Since 2011, a number of low-budget production companies have been creating new Amityville films on a basically annual basis, and in recent years it's apparently proven financially successful enough for numerous Amityville films to even be released within the same year.

And 2022 so far represents the ludicrous peak of Amityville "sequels," with an insane nine Amityville films hitting Blu-ray shelves and VOD platforms inside of the calendar year.

The more eyebrow-raising offerings include Amityville Scarecrow, Amityville Gas Chamber, Amityville in the Hood, Amityville Karen, Amityville Thanksgiving, and inevitably, Amityville in Space.

It goes without saying that there isn't any shared continuity between these films, all of which have such a low public profile that few critics have even bothered to review them.

How they're able to turn a profit despite having such little visibility, even with their microscopic budgets, is anyone's guess. For legal reasons we can't call it a money laundering scheme, but would it really surprise anyone at this point?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.