10 Horror Movie Survivors Everyone Forgets About

8. Isabella Hudson - Final Destination 2

horror movies for dummies
New Line Cinema

The Final Destination franchise has done a practically industrious job of tying up almost every dangling loose thread, whereby practically anyone who has attempted to cheat Death's plan has wound up dead in the end, one way or another.

And because she's a relatively minor character in the context of the franchise, it's easy to forget one person who Death actually left untouched - Final Destination 2's Isabella Hudson (Justina Machado).

Isabella is a heavily pregnant woman who survived the opening Route 23 pileup, and who protagonist Kimberly (A.J. Cook) attempts to save late in the movie, believing that preventing her death and allowing her child to be born will break the cycle of death.

Though Kimberly is successful and Isabella both gives birth and survives, it's also revealed that she never actually died in the opening premonition sequence, so was never part of Death's plan to begin with.

This makes Isabella extremely unique in the franchise, as she's the only significant character featured in a premonition who isn't eventually killed.

We never see Isabella again, and are left to assume she lives a happy, regular life until Death comes for her in a more conventional way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.