10 Horror Movie Survivors Everyone Forgets About

7. Justin - Event Horizon

horror movies for dummies
Paramount Pictures

Paul W.S. Anderson's cult classic sci-fi horror Event Horizon wilfully attempts to trip up the viewer with its abundance of grotesquely surreal imagery.

It's easy to forget, then, that in addition to Starck (Joely Richardson) and Cooper (Richard T. Jones) being rescued by the salvage team in the final seconds of the movie, their comrade Justin (Jack Noseworthy) is also alive.

Starck's fake rescue nightmare moments before the actual rescue sees the apparent salvage team mention that Justin has suffered massive injuries from his traumatic encounter with the Event Horizon's gravity drive - and consequent attempt to kill himself - but confirms him to be alive.

When the nightmare is over and we cut to reality, we can see Justin in his stasis tank, seeming to confirm that the report was accurate and not a mere fabrication in Starck's mind.

Considering the utter hell he's put through during the film, it's easy to miss that he's implied to survive, even if he'll clearly never be the same again.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.