10 Horror Movie Theories That Change Everything

8. Drag Me To Hell - The Hauntings Are Manifestations Of Christine's Eating Disorder

The Blair Witch Project
Universal Pictures

After taking some time out direct all three original Spider-Man films, Sam Raimi finally made his triumphant return to the world of horror with wonderfully silly Drag Me to Hell.

Telling the story of young banker Christine, who after denying an elderly gypsy lady a mortgage extension, is haunted by a dark spirit that plans to take her to hell. A simple and effective premise for a horror film.

When looking at the film a little closer however, a more tragic picture begins to form. Early in the film, Christine briefly talks about how she was overweight during her teenage years, leading to a lot of bullying and ridicule from the people around her.

However, this seemingly throwaway anecdote seems to manifest itself in the hauntings. Most of the attacks have something either going in or coming out of Christine's mouth or the mouths of others. Furthermore, a lot of these also attacks happen whilst she is in the kitchen and some of them even relate directly to the food she's eating.

This theory is something of a stretch, given that Christine isn't the only person we succumb to the demon, but all of the evidence presented does add up.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.