10 Horror Movie Theories That Change Everything

7. The Thing - There Were Two Aliens, One Of Which Was MacReady

The Blair Witch Project
Universal Pictures

Much like the aforementioned Cloverfield, 1982's The Thing may also be concealing another creature amongst all the bloodshed. Fuelled by the film's bleak and ambiguous ending, the internet has been abuzz with theories regarding this film for the longest time.

The most popular theory is that there are in fact two creatures inside the base, one of which is housed inside MacReady after he drinks from an infected bottle of scotch. If this is to be believed, then the supposed protagonist we've been rooting for this entire time was in fact the antagonist and the journey we've gone on with this character is all a lie.

Interestingly, it would also appear that the two aliens are actually at odds with one another, as opposed to working together to wipe out the crew. This is evidenced by MacReady's continued efforts to expose and destroy the alien, which could all be a facade to avoid suspicion.

MacReady's laughter at the end of the film has often been viewed as a nihilistic acceptance of their fate, but what if by offering Childs the (now infected) scotch bottle, he was declaring his victory over the other alien that had since been destroyed.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.