10 Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

1. Deborah - The Taking Of Deborah Logan

Millennium Entertainment

In this found-footage hidden gem, Deborah Logan is not having a good time. She has Alzheimer's disease, is being filmed 24/7 as the subject of a student documentary and might even be possessed by a deadly snake demon to boot.

Now, whether or not that last part is true is kept ambiguous for much of the movie, but it's eventually revealed that she's being controlled in order to complete a ritual. Not only that, but her body has also taken on new properties, which the viewer is given a brief glimpse of when we see Deborah, jaw completely unhinged and snake-like, attempting to swallow a young child whole.

The moment itself comes out of nowhere, and despite being kinda goofy when slowed down and scrutinised, acts as an effective horror jump scare in the moment.

You're not prepared to turn a corner and see that, and it makes you view Deborah's actions previously in the movie completely differently.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3