10 Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

2. Everyone - House


If you've never seen 1977's House, stop what you're doing, go watch it, and have your life changed.

This surreal slasher is difficult to put into words. On the one hand it's a madcap slapstick comedy, on another a gory horror, and on the final third hand (House is weird enough to sprout more limbs than usual), it's a charming coming of age tale.

About a bunch of students visiting one of the girls' aunt, they're all eventually devoured by her haunted home - with one being eaten by a piano, another a clock, and one lost to the bottomless pool of blood that opens up in the middle of the building.

There are a bunch of transformations thrown in there as well: one dude transforms into a bunch of bananas, one of the girls turns into a porcelain doll, and another, Gorgeous, is transformed into her mother after putting on her wedding dress.

Why? I'm still not sure, but it somehow works.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3