10 Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

5. The Siren - V/H/S

Bloody Disgusting

Nobody really knew what to expect going into the original V/H/S. Fans knew it was a horror anthology, but the kind of stories being told or the scale of the budget was all unclear. Consequently, the very first segment, "Amateur Night", shook everyone with its story about a bunch of sleazbags who bring a couple of girls back to their hotel room to film them having sex.

One of the women is a little weird, but seemingly innocent enough. Quiet and shy, she takes a liking to one of the men, telling him "I like you" over and over again. The two start having sex at the hotel, but when the other men try to get involved she viciously attacks them. Her features begin to look different too; suddenly she has fangs and nobody knows where they came from.

After brutally murdering the other men and ripping their genitals off, she suddenly sprouts wings, revealing herself to be a succubus, and picks up the remaining man and takes him into the night.

You knew she was probably going to get her own back on the men, but I don't think anybody expected her to be flying out of that hotel room.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3