10 Horror Movie Transformations Nobody Saw Coming

3. Chase - Overlord

Paramount Pictures

Overlord is far from the most original movie. Hell, it's not even the first film to do the whole Nazi zombies gimmick, but it does have one surprisingly effective transformation sequence up its sleeve.

The flick is about a group of paratroopers who, on D-Day, get separated from the rest of their platoon and accidentally stumble upon secret Nazi experiments that have transformed humans into the living dead. All in all, it's a pretty bad day.

Later on one of the soldiers, Chase, is killed and shot, and in a desperate attempt to get him back into the fight, he's injected with the re-animating serum responsible for the zombies. As you can expect, this doesn't go to plan, and Chase jumps back to life, but with a few side effects.

His body mutating on account of the injection, the dude suddenly throws his head back, ripping his spine in two as his neck and head dangles behind him. It's a truly gross moment, as his bones snap and you can see his collar sticking out the skin.

We've all seen a zombie transformation before, but few quite as destructive - and as surprising - as this.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3