10 Horror Movie Twists That Changed EVERYTHING

9. Vick Is Protecting Her Son - Searching

I See You
Sony Pictures Releasing

Searching tells the compelling tale of Margot, a missing high school student, and just what happened to her. Throughout the film we follow her father, David Kim - all from the point-of-view of various screens - as he attempts to track her down.

With it being a mystery first and foremost, there are plenty of reveals and red-herrings throughout the investigation, but it's one of the very final pieces of the puzzle that completely flips the movie on its head. See, throughout his investigation, David has been helped by the supportive Detective Vick, who appears to have her own personal stake in finding Margot.

Her involvement is proven to be more than professional, however, when it's revealed that Vick is actually a bit of a dick, and that her own son is the cause of Margot going missing. Even worse, she's known about it the whole time, and has been manipulating the investigation in order to protect her son from the consequences of his actions.

Fortunately, Margot is found in the end, but the twist that David's trusted authority figure was working against him is still a huge blow, and makes a second watch to study her actions essential.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3