10 Horror Movie Victims Who Got The Best Revenge

5. Teeth - Dawn O'Keefe

Teeth Thumb
Roadside Attractions

Teeth follows a religious woman called Dawn, who practises abstinence with her Christian friends. However, her hope for remaining celibate works a little too well since she suddenly develops vagina dentata. In layman's terms, this condition causes her private parts to sprout teeth that will bite off anything that comes near them.

Shortly after Dawn develops this disorder, multiple men force themselves upon her, including her friend, her boyfriend, and her gynaecologist. However, each encounter ends the same way - with Dawn's uniquely positioned mandibles chomping off these men's bits.

Although Dawn meets a lot of creeps during this period, there's no one worse than her stepbrother, Brad. When she learns that Brad refused to help their dying mother after she collapsed because he was busy having sex, Dawn encourages him to sleep with her. While they are in mid-coitus, Dawn allows her vaginal teeth to shred Brad's genitals off.

Out of desperation, Brad screams for his dog to attack her. Instead, the dog sniffs his owner's appendage before wolfing it down. Dawn then makes her exit, leaving Brad to bleed to death.


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