10 Horror Movie Victims Who Got The Best Revenge

6. Thriller: A Cruel Picture - Madeleine

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There are few characters who encapsulate "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" better than Madeleine from Thriller: A Cruel Picture. After being sexually abused at a young age, Madeleine is left traumatised and rendered mute. As horrific as this incident is, it's only the beginning of her problems.

After a pimp called Tony kidnaps her, he injects her with heroin, causing her to develop a crippling drug addiction. Desperate for more, Tony easily compels Madeleine to become a prostitute.

To stop Madeleine's parents from finding her, Tony writes hateful letters to them, pretending they're from their daughter. Her mother and father are left so heartbroken, they take their own lives. Just when you thought Tony couldn't be any more detestable, he gouges Madeleine's eye out with a scalpel and murders her only friend.

Driven to her breaking point, our heroine escapes and kills every client of Tony's who mistreated her. When she corners her tormentor with a shotgun, she refuses to kill him then and there, knowing he deserves worse.

After blasting Tony's kneecaps with a shotgun, Madeleine ties him to a horse, which drags him to a field. After she buries the pimp neck-high in the ground, Madeleine wraps a rope around his throat before attaching it to the horse. As she beckons the horse to walk away, the rope crushes Tony's larynx, strangling him to death.


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