10 Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

1. John Kramer - Saw X

Doctor Sleep Rose the Hat
Twisted Pictures

Even though Saw X is set relatively early into John Kramer's (Tobin Bell) reign of terror as a serial killer at large - taking place between the first two Saw movies as it does - he was still a serious piece of work at this point, being responsible for numerous deaths, no matter what he might claim.

But Saw X impressively shifted Kramer into a protagonist role, while focusing on the very incident which solidified his resolve to continue his "games".

Much of the film is focused around Kramer being duped into undergoing an apparently experimental medical procedure to remove his brain cancer, yet it ultimately turns out that the doctor fronting the operation, Cecilia Pederson (Synnøve Macody Lund), is actually a con artist.

And in case scamming the desperately cancer-riddled out of their remaining life savings wasn't repugnant enough, Cecilia becomes increasingly sociopathic as the movie goes on, to the point of even grabbing a local boy, Carlos (Jorge Briseño), and forcing him into one of Jigsaw's own traps.

Say what you will about John Kramer, but the guy never put an objectively innocent child into a contraption. Kramer's "I never killed anyone" logic is totally absurd, yet at least the guy has a moral logic in his own mind.

Cecilia, though? She's totally beyond this - there's nobody she won't step over to enrich herself, and to rub salt in the wound she even makes it to the end of the movie in one piece.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.