10 Horror Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

2. Rose The Hat - Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep Rose the Hat
Warner Bros.

The primary antagonist of Mike Flanagan's criminally underappreciated Doctor Sleep is Rose the Hat (Rebecca Ferguson), who leads a cult of psychics known as the True Knot that extend their lifespans by killing those who possess the shining and consuming the "steam" that's released.

Rose is an extremely powerful psychic who nevertheless comes undone in the film's climax, when Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor) lures her to the Overlook Hotel.

Though Rose quite easily overpowers Danny, he unlocks the psychic lockboxes in his mind and in turn unleashes the hotel's ghosts, which then overwhelm Rose and quickly devour her before she's able to put up even the faintest semblance of a fight.

That's... quite the novel way to do away with a seemingly unstoppable villain, by siccing the terrifying entities from a traumatic event in one's youth upon your current enemy. Or to put it in filmmaking terms, having the villains from the first movie defeat the sequel's villain.

And if you haven't yet seen Saw X, MAJOR SPOILERS will follow...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.