10 Horror Movie Villains Who Gave Themselves Away Immediately

9. Adam Carr - Valentine

Lori Happy Death Day 2 U
Warner Bros.

Valentine is a fun throwback to '80s slasher flicks, albeit one where the killer's adult identity is woefully predictable.

Basically, a group of young women are being picked off by a killer wearing a Cupid mask in the lead-up to Valentine's Day, with the women quickly deducing the culprit to be Jeremy Melton, who was rejected and falsely accused of sexual assault by several of the girls 13 years prior.

Accepting that the movie is playing fair and the killer must be male, that seriously limits the pool of suspects.

Considering the most famous male actor in the film is by far David Boreanaz, who is otherwise cast here as a relatively forgettable journalist character named Adam Carr, it surely must be him, right?

Plus, during his very first scene, he's shown to be in an on-off relationship with Kate (Marley Shelton), the only one of the girls who was kind to Jeremy in high school.

It isn't tough to connect the dots here, and so at film's end Adam is indeed revealed to be a post-plastic surgery Jeremy Melton.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.