10 Horror Movie Villains Who Returned More Badass

1. The Deadites - Evil Dead Rise

Child's Play 2
Warner Bros.

Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness are great films, nobody’s denying that, but they definitely lent into the comedic side of horror - more so than the original film anyway. 

The series attempted to return to its more serious roots with the 2013 remake, but that was a little too serious and left a lot of viewers as cold as a night in the woods. Then came 2023’s Evil Dead Rise, and all was right with the world. 

Centring on two sisters, Beth and Ellie, and the latter’s three children, Rise had a great premise of trapping the five helpless humans inside a destroyed tower block with a bunch of monstrous Deadites. 

This was the perfect middle ground between the creature’s portrayal in the later Raimi movies and the remake from a decade earlier. Whilst the Deadites were definitely more frightening than in the 80s, they weren’t parodies of themselves, as they had been previously. 

Director Lee Cronin had managed to update these classic beasties for a more savvy cinema audience and, as a result, Evil Dead Rise got some of the franchise’s best reviews in a very long time. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.