10 Horror Movie Villains Who Returned More Badass

2. Annabelle - Annabelle: Creation

Child's Play 2
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the most memorable parts of 2013’s The Conjuring had very little to do with the main plot of the film. 

Audiences latched onto Annabelle, a creepy porcelain doll that turns up right at the start of the film. This led to a spin-off about the petrifying plaything being greenlit and hitting cinemas one year later.

It was… just ok. 

Many viewers were disappointed with how bland Annabelle (the movie) was, but the film made enough money to warrant a sequel. Thankfully, the writers learned their lessons from their previous work and made some serious improvements to Raggedy Ann’s goth cousin. 

Annabelle was now genuinely scary, using her powers to much greater effect to scare the stuffing out of a group of orphaned girls. The villain had a much larger presence in the plot and felt like a much bigger deal, possibly because of the vulnerability of her victims, possibly because the script was just better. 

Some critics called Annabelle: Creation the best Conjuring Universe movie since the original, and whilst not everyone went that far, it was certainly better than her first solo appearance. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.