10 Horror Movie Villains Who Switched Sides In The Sequel

2. Bee - The Babysitter 2: Killer Queen

Babysitter 2

Given that the first Babysitter movie revolved around a 12-year-old boy, Cole (Judah Lewis), discovering that his babysitter, Bee (Samara Weaving), is actually the leader of a satanic cult that wants to kill him, there didn't seem to be any possibility of redemption for her.

But sequel The Babysitter: Killer Queen swung for the fences with a late-film reveal that Bee actually made her initial deal with the Devil to save the life of the child she babysat before Cole, Phoebe (Jenna Ortega).

More to the point, Bee has been pulling the strings from behind the scenes the whole time, conspiring to bring Cole and Phoebe together so that they can defeat the cult, before she finally sacrifices herself to ensure the cult's permanent demise.

That... was unexpected. It's certainly a contrived fleshing-out of the first movie's events and therefore didn't go down well with everyone who enjoyed the original, but Samara Weaving sure did try her damnedest to sell Bee's shocking allegiance shift.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.