10 Horror Movie Villains Who Switched Sides In The Sequel

1. John Kramer - Saw X

Babysitter 2

Saw X is an interesting one because, while nobody's going to come away from the movie calling Jigsaw Killer John Kramer (Tobin Bell) a hero, much like Freddy vs. Jason, he's presented in a more sympathetic light as the lesser of the film's monsters.

Set between the first two Saw movies, Saw X softens Kramer's character somewhat by having him be the victim of shyster doctors who prey upon the terminally ill with the promise of a miracle cure.

The doctor leading the outfit, Cecilia Pederson (Synnøve Macody Lund), is a sociopathic con artist who becomes the target of Kramer's next game alongside her complicit underlings.

Cecilia is ultimately repugnant enough to make the audience easily pull for Kramer, especially once she goes full mask-off psycho and puts a young boy, Carlos (Jorge Briseño), in one of Kramer's own traps alongside him.

Kramer is a sick puppy himself, no matter his own twisted logic for testing humanity's will to live, but Cecilia is totally beyond the pale - a clever screenwriting flourish to make fans inexplicably cheer on the very villain around which the Saw franchise revolves.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.