10 Horror Movie Villains With Surprisingly Boring Day Jobs

8. Darcy Banker – Bar Manager – Green Room

Robin Williams One Hour Photo
Broad Green Pictures

Green Room (2015) follows Pat (the late, great Anton Yelchin) and his band the Ain’t Rights, to their booking at a bar in rural Portland, which they soon discover is a popular neo-Nazi venue. After playing their set, violence unfolds and the group are hunted by Darcy Banker (Patrick Stewart) and his small army of sadistic, ‘red lace’ skinheads.

But Darcy isn’t a paramilitary, a cult leader or a politician. No, in a stroke of pure mundanity, he is the bar's manager and owner. When not smashing skulls and murdering lefties, Darcy is pulling pints and making sure the chairs are stacked in the corner.

While far right head honchos are often portrayed neck-deep in the world of organised crime – Sons Of Anarchy's methamphetamine drug lord Ernest Darby (Mitch Pileggi), for example – Darcy is an honest business manager trying to make a decent living.

Granted, the business may be a base for bigger, badder things, but Darcy runs it as a fully functional bar, serving punters nightly and only ever using it for bloody, fascist murder when needs must.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.