10 Horror Movie Villains With Surprisingly Boring Day Jobs

7. Frank Zito – Mannequin Repairman – Maniac

Robin Williams One Hour Photo
IFC Midnight

Maniac's (2012) murderous psychopath Frank Zito is a strange guy, not least because he's played by one of the world's favourite, mild-mannered hobbits, Elijah Wood. He likes to lure, murder and scalp women before attaching their hair to mannequins, in memory of his mother. And we viewers get to experience all of this from his first-person perspective.

But things gets stranger still, when we consider his day job: mannequin repairman.

This is not a job you may have even known existed, but it all makes some kind of sick sense when you connect the dots. Frank's mother was a prostitute and the original owner of the business, and he used to brush her hair for her before she went out to find that night's customers. Then, when she returned, Frank would often watch as she had sex with them.

Troubled childhood: Check.

Unhealthy obsession with his mother: Check.

Easy access to blank, malleable, female forms... Well, you get the idea.

Fitting, then, that Frank dies in his mannequin repair shop, surrounded by his work and hallucinating that the mannequins are all the women he has killed, come back to take their vengeance on him. Who says you can't mix work and fun?


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.