10 Horror Movie Villains With Surprisingly Boring Day Jobs

3. Max Lawrence – Video Store Manager – The Lost Boys

Robin Williams One Hour Photo
Warner Bros. Pictures

1987's teen horror cornerstone The Lost Boys turned the vampire genre on its head, throwing out the capes and castles, and paving the way for Buffy, True Blood and, well, Twilight.

In the small sunny enclave of Santa Clara, a group of young punk vampires prowl the streets at night, draining victims, visiting the carnival and renting videos…

For us film fans, Max Lawrence’s day job as the manager of a video store in this small Californian beach town may not seem so bad. But, considering he is the head vampire of a group of ultra-cool fiends, it is a far cry from ruling a storm-beaten mountain in Transylvania.

When not seeking out victims and new initiates, Max spends his time ringing up orders, rewinding videotapes and filing late fees. But what an ingenious way to cover your true nature – if you are the most ordinary, happy-go-lucky Average Joe on the scene, nobody would ever suspect you were a stone-cold plasma addict. Except for the Frog brothers, that is.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.