10 Horror Movie Villains With Surprisingly Boring Day Jobs

2. Patrick Bateman – Investment Banker – American Psycho

Robin Williams One Hour Photo

Star of American Psycho (2000), Patrick Bateman's (Christian Bale) working life may be intensely involving to him and his oily compatriots, but to anyone outside of the Wall Street bubble, it is a sluggish cycle of two-faced etiquette and restaurant reservations – though never Dorsia.

Yes, he is a yuppie; a shark of stocks and shares; an investment banker for the ironically named Pierce & Pierce.

Such is Bateman and his co-workers' obsession with hollow aesthetic, they eulogise one-dimensional pop music, obsess over endless lines of nigh-identical designer suits, and get all hot and bothered over whose business card is the finest. Though it's definitely Paul Allen's, what with that subtle colouring and tasteful thickness; it even has a water mark.

Small wonder, then, that Patrick Bateman spends his weekends and evenings slaughtering the homeless, abusing prostitutes and feeding animals to cash machines. This is, of course, a reflection not only of the tedium of his day job, but the ills inflicted on society by the fat cats and money men.

Try as he might to feel anything, neither mergers and acquisitions nor murders and executions can alleviate Bateman's boredom and malaise, nor connect him to the real world in any meaningful way.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.