10 Horror Movie Villains With The Highest Body Counts

6. Freddy Krueger - 42 Kills

New Line Cinema

Film Appearances: 9

Kill Count: 42

A child abusing nutjob with a particular sense of fashion, Freddy Krueger is one of the classic horror icons that has graced our screens for generations - invading dreams and creating nightmares with his sassy quips as he disembowels teenagers for the laughs.

Coming equipped with a glove of knives that would make Wolverine jealous, they soon turned into an actual part of his body as the series continued, melding with his burnt, scarred flesh to make the Elm Street ripper all the more scary. Like he needed any help.

With a long run of films of varying quality and a run in with Jason himself, Freddy is part of horror history canon and offered something completely new to the slasher genre when he appeared in 1984. Whilst his kill count might seem modest for his time, when you take into account quite how visceral each one is and that they happen in each victim’s freaking DREAMS - Freddy really is one of the most terrifying villains of his kind, even if he doesn’t like to act like it.

Best Kill: Tina's life getting turned upside down


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.