10 Horror Movies About To Become TV Shows

2. The Creep Tapes

Hostel Part 2
Blumhouse Productions

The first two entries into the found-footage movie series known as Creep sees Mark Duplass' serial killer lure a number of videographers into a deadly trap. And with those features going down a treat on Netflix, another film seemed like a no-brainer for Duplass and director Patrick Brice - who also appears in the first movie. 

Duplass had even noted (via IndieWire) how they were actively thinking of a way to make that third Creep film a reality. Rather than chuck out a new picture, though, it was suddenly revealed by Duplass in June (via Deadline) that production had actually been completed on a TV series centred around his eccentric murderer. 

The half-hour episodes will focus on tapes found in "the secret vault of the world’s deadliest and most socially uncomfortable serial killer," with these each containing a new victim he hired for the day "under false pretenses."

And while there's been no official release date set yet, fans of this disturbing horror series seemingly won't have to wait too long for more Peachfuzz in their lives.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...