10 Horror Movies About To Become TV Shows

1. Hostel

Hostel Part 2
Screen Gems

In a move very few likely saw coming, fresh off picking up an Oscar nomination for this work in last year's The Holdovers, the great Paul Giamatti has agreed to star in the next instalment of the Hostel series.

Rather than dusting off the franchise for another big-screen chunk of gruesome torture and death, though, Giamatti will reportedly play a key role in a TV series currently being developed by Eli Roth, Chris Briggs and Mike Fleiss, with all of those names helping bring the first three movies to screens over the years (via THR).

This "modern adaptation", being directed by Roth, written by both himself and Briggs, and with Roth, Briggs and Fleiss all serving as executive producers, will reportedly be an "elevated thriller" and be looking to reinvent the franchise.

It's unclear what sort of figure Giamatti will be playing - though it is interesting to note that he did actually express some interest in the horror genre on the red carpet earlier this year - or precisely what the story will consist of. But you can likely expect a ton of horrific visuals and more oblivious travellers being lured into a disturbing and deadly underground world.  

And in another interesting little detail, it turns out that Giamatti and Roth actually first met in Prague back when the latter was shooting that first splatter horror picture. The actor told EW he was filming The Illusionist there and even discussed possibly having Giamatti kill someone in that 2006 film.

It may not have worked out all those years ago, but it seems the star may now finally get his disturbing Hostel wish on the small screen instead.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...