10 Horror Movies Actors Wanted You To Hate

8. Jessi Gotta - The Moose Head Over The Mantel (2017)

Mother Jennifer Lawrence Javier Bardem
Gravitas Ventures

The Moose Head Over The Mantel sees Lillian Hoffhienze-Bachman (Jessi Gotta) and her family move into her abandoned ancestral home, but a century's worth of abuse has left ghosts in the walls, and as Lillian becomes consumed by her ancestry, the grisly events of the prior 100 years unfold within a single room through the eyes of the family's victims.

The fact that one of these victims is the titular moose head hanging on the mantel wall is a joke not lost on audiences, but it is one of the few moments of levity in what is an often unsettling movie. While nobody could accuse The Moose Head Over The Mantel of being a great film, it nonetheless exerts a strange power, taking place across a variety of segments with different directors behind the lens for each. And this is precisely what writer/star Gotta was aiming for.

Gotta "wants the audience to feel trapped by this family... watching the violence repeat generation after generation." And we do, with primarily static shots conjuring sensations of inertia and claustrophobia that can be very hard to shake.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.