10 Horror Movies That Got Too Silly To Be Scary

8. Switchblade Romance (2003)

LionsgateLionsgateAlexandre Aja's Switchblade Romance (aka Haute Tension or High Tension) is a very intriguing example of a slasher film that attempts to transcend the basic conventions of the genre. It builds as a generic, but entertaining, slasher with some delightfully inventive gore before taking a drastic and head-scratching turn in the third act. It is this twist that both makes and breaks the film. Without it, Switchblade Romance would be a basic (if well-executed) slasher movie. With it, it's an interesting slasher movie that reaches a bit too far in order to craft an interesting twist. On paper, the idea of Marie (Cécile de France) perpetrating all of the movie's violence as a result of her deep, unrequited love for her friend is an interesting one. Unfortunately, it is revealed in a ham-fisted fashion that means it comes across as rather silly. This silliness undercuts the punch of the story and means that the finale feels like a gorefest rather than a passionate fight for survival.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.