10 Horror Movies Hiding In Plain Sight

5. The Terminator

Upstream Color
Orion Pictures

In the process of making one of the most iconic sci-fi films ever made, James Cameron also managed to make a lean, mean slasher flick. Only with less slashing and more shooting.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a cyborg from a post-apocalyptic future tasked with killing a woman before she can give birth to humanities future saviour. She’s protected by a human from the same future who Schwarzenegger has to take out before he’s able to complete his mission.

That makes it sound like The Terminator is the protagonist, which he isn’t. However, when talking about slasher movies the killer is always first to pop up in conversation. Freddy, Jason, Michael, all of them are the selling point of their respected franchises just as Schwarzenegger is here.

If you’re looking for an example of The Terminator being a slasher, think back to the police station massacre midway through the movie. That’s some outright Jason Voorhees levels of murder and mayhem.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.