10 Horror Movies Hiding In Plain Sight

3. Super Dark Times

Upstream Color
The Orchard

The title of Kevin Phillips twisted coming of age film says it all. While it presents itself as a psychological drama, every frame feels like there’s a disastrous storm brewing. A storm that, when it tears through, is going to leave a bloody mess.

Super Dark Times follows two best friends, Zach and Josh, as their relationship slowly collapses after one of them accidentally kills another teenager with a katana. They, along with the other kid present at the time, decide to hide the body and brush the whole thing under the rug. While Zach feels guilt over what happened, Josh feels the opposite. His killing of the other kid woke up something dark inside of him with a hunger for more blood.

What’s really scary here, besides it functioning a serial killer origin story, is this idea that you can never truly know someone. People have things about them buried underneath the surface just waiting for one bad day to get out. A lesson Zach has to learn the hard way.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.