10 Horror Movies In 2023 You Need To Know About

5. V/H/S/85

M3gan 2023

The long-dormant V/H/S/ anthology franchise came roaring back to form last year with the arguably series-best V/H/S/94, and while this year's V/H/S/99 didn't reach the same heights, it confirmed that streaming - namely horror platform Shudder - was a perfect home for the IP.

And shortly after V/H/S/99's release, the producers confirmed that the next film in the series was already in development.

V/H/S/85 will feature shorts from the most star-studded filmmaking roster yet: David Bruckner (Hellraiser), Scott Derrickson (The Black Phone), Natasha Kermani (Lucky), Mike P. Nelson (last year's Wrong Turn remake), and Gigi Saul Guerrero (Bingo Hell).

Though nothing's yet known about the shorts or the cast members involved, the last two films offered up a diverse slate of stories with a strong ensemble of genre mainstays.

There's no reason to expect any different from V/H/S/85, which was shot back-to-back with the last film and is already well into post-production.

If the producers can maintain a solid standard of quality, it'd be great to see V/H/S/ remain an annual seasonal treat around Halloween.

V/H/S/85 is set to release on Shudder next October.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.