10 Horror Movies In 2023 You Need To Know About

3. Shelby Oaks

M3gan 2023
Chris Stuckmann

YouTuber Chris Stuckmann will make his long-gestating directorial debut next year with Shelby Oaks, which with almost $1.4 million in Kickstarter funding became the most-crowdfunded horror film project in the platform's history.

The film follows a woman, Mia (Camille Sullivan), as she searches for her missing sister Riley, and as her obsession grows, she comes to believe an imaginary demon from their childhood may in fact be real.

For anyone who's been watching Stuckmann's YouTube channel over the years, it's fascinating to see his journey from critic to budding filmmaker, and now, director of a low-budget horror film.

As such it's easy to root for Stuckmann to parlay his popularity as a reviewer into a successful filmmaking career, and given his passion for cinema, it's also easy to believe he'll actually pull it off. Here's hoping.

Shelby Oaks releases next July.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.