10 Horror Movies In 2023 You Need To Know About

2. M3gan

M3gan 2023

Perhaps no single horror film due for release next year looks quite as hilariously deranged as M3gan.

Co-written and co-produced by James Wan, this loony sci-fi horror outing sees a roboticist, Gemma (Allison Williams), create an android companion for her orphaned niece Cady (Violet McGraw), which predictably turns murderously protective.

The trailer certainly suggests that M3gan isn't taking itself one iota too seriously, which given that it was written by Malignant scribe Akela Cooper shouldn't be too shocking.

Considering that the killer doll genre has proven weirdly afraid to fully let its freak flag fly in recent years - looking at you, Annabelle and The Boy - M3gan appears to be refreshingly going for broke.

There's no subtlety here: just a killer android slaughtering anyone who gets in the way of its "friendship" with a traumatised young girl.

It's not gonna win any Oscars, but it sure looks one hell of a fun, campy time.

M3gan releases on January 6.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.