10 Horror Movies Remembered For One Amazing Scene

2. The Tanning Beds - Final Destination 3

Hostel 2
New Line Cinema

In Final Destination 3, a group pf people find themselves being hounded by The Grim Reaper after they cheat death. It doesn't matter what precautions the survivors take or where they are - Death can come at them at any time. Even though the kills in Final Destination 3 aren't as memorable as the other instalments, there is one moment seared in viewers' memory banks forever.

As Ashley and Ashlyn lay in their tanning beds, they are oblivious they have literally entered their coffins. After the tanning beds malfunction, the heat cranks up until it's unbearable for the girls inside. As they try to get out, a shelf comes loose and perfectly slots in-between both beds, sealing them in. As the heat intensifies, the glass shatters and catches fire, cooking the girls alive.

Now, when you see over-the-top deaths like this, it's easy to say, "It's only a movie" and "That would never happen in real life." And although there have been cases where people's deaths have been linked to tanning beds, nobody has ever died in the manner depicted in Final Destination 3. Nevertheless, you'll think twice the next time you take a trip to the tanning salon.


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