10 Horror Movies Ruined By Listening To The Fans

1. The Cloverfield Paradox

Alien: Resurrection Ripley 8

The original Cloverfield was a fantastically entertaining found footage film which birthed a genuinely fascinating new movie monster, while leaving the particulars of Clover's emergence on Earth relatively ambiguous.

Similarly, spin-off 10 Cloverfield Lane featured alien monsters but didn't offer up much in the way of wider context. By the time Paramount put a third film into development, though, they decided to throw fans a bone and at least try to explain what was going on.

However, considering what an abject mess The Cloverfield Paradox was, most fans surely wish they never even bothered.

The film reveals that the monsters' emergence was the result of a particle accelerator test gone wrong, which in turn opened portals to parallel universes and allowed the creatures therein to invade Earth.

This was a profoundly underwhelming revelation, when a Cloverfield movie set onboard a space station without any wider implications for its "cinematic universe" would've surely been considerably more entertaining.

Like so many movies these days, The Cloverfield Paradox was overeager to establish a mythology and give fans the answers they wanted, albeit without stopping to consider whether they were actually worthwhile or not.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.