10 Horror Movies Ruined By Listening To The Fans

2. Alien: Resurrection

Alien: Resurrection Ripley 8

Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) death at the end of Alien 3 was understandably incredibly divisive with fans, many of whom felt that she was a badass heroine who deserved to get something close to a happy ending.

Instead, she committed suicide by hurling herself into a furnace, in turn also killing the alien queen she was impregnated with. A heroic death, for sure, albeit a major downer for Alien fans, especially at the end of a movie that started by killing off fan favourite characters Newt (Carrie Henn) and Hicks (Michael Biehn).

When discussions of a fourth movie began, fans loudly banged the drum for Ripley to make a return by any means necessary, and that she certainly did, albeit in the most absurd, regrettable means possible.

Alien: Resurrection went the full fanfic route by bringing Ripley back to life as a clone via DNA from a blood sample taken prior to her death. And to make this clone somewhat resemble the Ripley of the previous films, it's revealed that her DNA was modified when she was impregnated with a Xenomorph in Alien 3, granting her some genetic memories of the "real" Ripley.

While it probably would've been smart to just move the Alien franchise away from Ripley at number four, fans' insistence that the sins of the third film be undone resulted in a sequel that was just impossible to take seriously.

Ultimately, the lukewarm critical, commercial, and general fan response to Resurrection caused the mainline Alien franchise to be put on ice ever since.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.