10 Horror Movies That Accidentally Filmed Things You Weren't Supposed To See

8. A Character Moves Despite Being Dead - Alone In The Dark

Gremlins Tree
Lions Gate Films

It's easy to poke fun at a movie when we spot a mistake. Even though moments like this seem amateur, we have to remember how mindbogglingly difficult it is to make a film.

However, there is one thing in moviemaking that should always be easy - pretending to be dead. To depict a corpse, all you have to do is not move. That's it. You don't have to be Daniel Day-Lewis to pull that off, do you? Even if the actor in question does twitch a little, all the director has to do is cut the shot in a way so the viewer doesn't see it.

Unfortunately, this was all too much for Uwe Boll while directing Alone in the Dark. During the showdown in this god-awful adaptation, a hellish monster attacks our hero, Edward, and his allies, which leads to a squad member being killed.

As Edward and the others walk away, their "dead" teammate raises her head. If this shot was cut a second earlier, this wouldn't have been an issue. Because Uwe Boll was too busy being a terrible director to notice, it looks like this character has the inexplicable power to resurrect herself.

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