10 Horror Movies That Actually Benefitted From Bad Acting

6. Sharknado

Old 2021
The Asylum

Sharknado already grabbed audiences with its goofy premise of a tornado carrying several sharks but there are several elements that make it so memorable. From the cheesy plot, middling VFX, and poor writing, combining these aspects made the film popular on the Internet. One aspect of the film that binds it all together is the cheesy acting.

Though the film has actors who have been in better films like Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, and John Heard, Sharknado works best with its other cast members like Cassie Scerbo as Nova and Chuck Hittinger as Matt.

The former gives a monologue with such a straight face and manages to outdo Phoebe Cates' infamous monologue in Gremlins. Matt, on the other hand, reacts to her story with a dull surprise that adds to the unintentional humor of the scene. Finally, when Nova is eaten by a shark, Hittinger gives a 'no' that almost sounds like laughter midway.

Sharknado's acting helps the film become the legendary B-movie that it is. And these types of films often work when their performers give poor and cheesy acting that adds to their charm.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.