10 Horror Movies That Actually Benefitted From Bad Acting

4. Troll 2

Old 2021
Epic Productions

Troll 2 was a horror film that found new life when it become infamous across the Internet. One of its biggest memes is the terrible dialogue due to the poor English localization done by its Italian writers. Now everyone's talked about the movie's countless flaws but Troll 2's crowning moment has to be Arnold's famous scene.

The character witnesses a girl get dissolved and eaten by goblins, the film's primary villains. As he watches in horror, he utters the iconic lines, 'They're eating her! And then they're gonna eat me! Oh my god!!,' and is transformed into a tree.

There are many things to say about the scene. One, the dialogue does itself no favors with Arnold basically stating the obvious to the poor audience. Second, his acting goes off the rails especially when we get to the 'Oh my god,' part. And finally, the cherry on top has to be the fly that lands on Darren Ewing's forehead during the scene.

It's safe to say that this scene is Troll 2's most recognizable moment and without it, the movie would have probably disappeared into obscurity.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.