10 Horror Movies That Actually Benefitted From Bad Acting

2. Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2

Old 2021
Manson International

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 is a film that should have disappeared into the annals of history. Though its predecessor garnered controversy for its violence, the sequel is notorious for using stock footage for half the film's runtime in order to cut down costs.

But despite its tiny budget being front and centre, Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 is best known for Eric Freeman as Ricky Caldwell. The brother of the original killer in the first film, the role was recast and given to Freeman as the previous actor become too old for the role. This decision would allow the movie to be remembered for years as the actor chews the scenery at every opportunity and is so over-the-top as the movie's villain.

The actor turns every piece of dialogue into comedy gold due to his delivery while his eyebrows constantly move whenever he speaks. Freeman blames the lack of direction for his performance but let's face it, the film wouldn't be remembered had he been half-decent.

Finally, his iconic moment is during his psychotic rampage where he shouts 'Garbage day!' and shoots a random bystander. If you've heard of Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 then most likely, Ricky's scene is the first thing you have watched.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.