10 Horror Movies That Are Finally Happening

1. Tusks

Beetlejuice Michael Keaton

Here's a sequel few thought they'd ever hear serious discussions about.

Kevin Smith's deeply twisted horror-comedy Tusk, about a podcaster (Justin Long) who ends up kidnapped by a deranged sailor and sewn into a walrus costume made of human skin, truly felt like a one-and-done experiment for the Clerks filmmaker.

Between the mixed critical reviews and lackluster box office, there was little reason to believe that Smith would ever return to this well.

But of course, Smith loves to toss around sequel ideas to basically all of his movies, and in 2020 floated the prospect of a sequel in which Long's character returns to human form to become the new antagonist, in a film called Tusks.

Word went quiet for a couple of years until Long was doing press for his new horror film Barbarian last year, where he revealed that Smith had contacted him and original Tusk co-stars Genesis Rodriguez and Haley Joel Osment about reprising their roles for a sequel.

Smith confirmed the news himself on his Fatman Beyond podcast the very next week, and though it remains to be seen when Tusks will actually go before cameras - after all, he's always got at least a few sequel projects on the go - he certainly seems enthusiastic about making it happen soon.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.