10 Horror Movies That Eerily Came True

3. Elisa Lam's Death - Dark Water

antiviral human

2002 J-horror film Dark Water and its 2005 remake of the same name both feature a sequence in which a troubled young woman falls into a large water tank atop her apartment building, causing her death by drowning.

In February 2013, Cantonese student Elisa Lam was found dead in a water tank on the roof of Los Angeles' Cecil Hotel, as was recently recounted in the popular Netflix docu-series Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.

At the time of Lam's death, many online commenters noted the ominous similarities between the circumstances of her death and that of the young woman in the Dark Water movies.

Now, this is of course nothing more than a tragic, devastating coincidence all things considered - Lam's death obviously had no supernatural cause unlike her movie "counterpart" - but it's not the only link between the film and reality.

Just as in Lam's case, the body in the water tank caused problems with the residents' own water, and the films also have a sequence involving creepy surveilliance camera footage of the woman in an elevator, not unlike the famously eerie CCTV footage released of Lam acting erratically in an elevator.

Again it's all coincidental, but nevertheless casts a more sinister pall over the two movies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.