10 Horror Movies That Eerily Came True

2. Meat Grown From Human Cells - Antiviral

antiviral human
Alliance Films

2012's cult classic sci-fi horror film Antiviral - written and directed by David Cronenberg's very talented son Brandon - is a blackly comedic satire about the cult of celebrity.

Clients who wish to have an ultra-intimate connection with celebrities can pay to have their viruses and pathogens injected into their own body (ewww).

But in an even gnarlier twist, protagonist Syd (Caleb Landry Jones) ends up stealing pathogens from the lab and selling them to a celebrity meat market, where synthetic meat is grown from the cells of celebrities for their fans to eat.

While society hasn't quite yet crumbled far enough that celebrities are having their DNA used as the foundation for meat substitutes, last year it was announced that scientists had indeed managed to create edible steaks from human cells.

The so-called Ouroboros Steak is synthesised from human cheek cells, and while primarily created as an art piece to incite debate about lab-grown meat, it is indeed entirely edible.

Hilariously, as in Antiviral, the scientists involved went out of their way to assure concerned parties that technically eating meat created from human cells wasn't cannibalism because it was artificially created in a lab environment. Sure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.