10 Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

1. Satan & Guy Woodhouse - Rosemary's Baby

The Loved Ones

It's fair to say that the primary and operating villain throughout Rosemary's Baby is Satan himself, who is largely kept off-screen save for the traumatic, nightmarish sequence where he rapes Rosemary (Mia Farrow), impregnating her with his demonic spawn.

Satan's bidding is instead largely done by his followers, including Rosemary's elderly neighbours the Castevets, but it's eventually revealed that there's also a secret villain hiding in plain sight - Rosemary's own husband Guy (John Cassavetes).

Ultimately, Guy was in league with the cultists the entire time, agreeing to help his wife become impregnated with Satan's child in exchange for a boost to his flagging acting career. Yeesh.

It's a killer twist and one that, of course, immediately makes the audience loathe Guy, and relish seeing Rosemary spit in his face at film's end. Setting up your wife up to be raped and gaslighting her for months for fame and riches? That's seriously messed up.

Yet Satan and Guy both end up winning, as the child is born and Rosemary appears to give in, agreeing to raise her ill-conceived son. Terrifying.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.