10 Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

2. Lola & Eric - The Loved Ones

The Loved Ones
Madman Films

Cult classic Aussie horror The Loved Ones follows a high-schooler, Brent (Xavier Samuel), who is kidnapped by the psychopathic Lola (Robin McLeavy) - a girl whose prom invitation he turned down.

Lola and her equally unhinged father Eric (John Brumpton) then subject Brent to a prom-themed night of torture at their family home, with Lola injecting Brent's vocal cords with bleach to render him mute and later preparing to lobotomise him.

Oh, and Brent is simply the latest of Lola and her father's many victims - who are still alive, and presumably labotomised, in the family's basement.

But because this isn't all bad enough, Lola and Eric also have incestuous feelings for one another, and seemingly conspired to labotomise Lola's mother, who Lola later smothers to death. Ewww.

They're a sick puppy father-daughter pairing alright, and though Brent ultimately manages to kill them both, they make for an uncommonly nasty duo - even for the standards of deranged murderers.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.