10 Horror Movies That Instantly Told You They Were Garbage

6. The Hills Have Eyes II

Halloween Resurrection
Hills Two Corporation

Back in '07, a group of children arrived to catch a screening of The Last Mimzy. Due to a mix-up, they found themselves witnessing the revolting mutant birth scene the geniuses behind The Hills Have Eyes II thought would make a great opener.

There's so much to unpack with the ill-fated sequel's abysmal intro that it's hard to even know where to start. Maybe it's the just the horribly unappealing plot of women being kidnapped by a mutant cannibal to have his kids. Maybe it's the graphic stillborn birth scene.

Either way, for those looking to save time, this scene's so off-putting a lot of folks will be changing the channel pronto.

The '06 remake of Wes Craven's '70s grindhouse favourite was a surprise hit. Alexandre Aja's visceral, high tension take on the old material impressed horror buffs enough that a sequel was inevitable. In the absence of Aja and co-writer Gregory Levasseur, this made-on-the-quick mess quickly terminated any real franchise potential.

All you really need to see is the first five minutes to know why.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.