10 Horror Movies That Judge You For Watching

8. Scream 2

Revenge Arrow
Dimension Films

Scream 2 is a rare horror sequel that matches if not exceeds the original, and it kicks off with an iconic banger of an opening sequence that points Ghostface's knife right at the viewer's face.

The film opens in a cinema where a couple, Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens (Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps), are attending a sneak preview of the movie Stab, itself based on the events of the first Scream.

The screening itself is absolutely wild, full of fans dressed up as Ghostface, hollering and running up and down the aisles, Wes Craven seemingly making fun of horror fans' sometimes-troubling passion for the genre.

But things get really judgy when Maureen gets stabbed in the cinema during the movie by the actual new Ghostface, and when she stumbles around bleeding to death, everyone in the screening assumes it's just a publicity stunt put on by the studio.

Basically, Scream 2 is telling you you're a damn ghoul for getting your kicks out of watching people die, and for possibly failing to differentiate between fantasy and reality.

For anyone lucky enough to have seen Scream 2 in the cinema on the original release, this must've been a truly galling moment of audience self-reflection, and a rather creepy reminder that you have no idea who's sitting right next to you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.