10 Horror Movies That Left Out The True Horrific Ending

7. Scream

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
Dimension Films

Another Wes Craven property now and the most meta horror story since the rise to power of Mark Zuckerberg.

Scream revolves around a slasher villain inspired by movie slasher villains. The original Ghostface is obsessed with horror films and uses them as a motif throughout his murderous rampage.

Things get even more confusing when you realise that this fictional killer inspired by other fictional killers was actually based on a real person

Screenwriter Kevin Williamson became paranoid after hearing a news story about the Gainesville Ripper. The Ripper, real name Danny Rolling, murdered five students in a four-day killing spree in 1990. The fear felt by Williamson eventually inspired the first draft of Scream.

However, Williamson left out one key detail about Rolling's actions. Whilst the fictional Billy Loomis is inspired by horror movies, the real-world killer said he committed his horrific crimes because he wanted to be famous.

He cited Ted Bundy as a role model (never a good sign) and claimed he wanted to become a "superstar" off the back of his murders.

This contorted motivation proves that Rolling was completely lacking in morals in a way somehow scarier than his on-screen counterpart.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.