10 Horror Movies That Left Out The True Horrific Ending

8. The Hills Have Eyes

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

An extremely messed up movie about a family of cannibals living in the desert, The Hills Have Eyes unsurprisingly comes from the ever-so twisted brain of Wes Craven.

The man behind A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream was searching for inspiration for his new film in the mid-'70s and, in doing so, came across the legend of Sawney Bean.

Don't let his silly name fool you, Mr. Bean was no laughing matter.

A supposed cannibal from 16th Century Scotland, Bean was a bandit and the head of a clan of 45 fellow criminals. Oh, and he and his kin also supposedly killed and ate over 1,000 people.

You wouldn't catch Rowan Atkinson doing that.

Historians say there is a lack of sufficient evidence to declare that Sawney is anything more than a myth, but if he did exist then his transgressions are way worse than the events of The Hills Have Eyes.

Bean's posse killed way more people than Papa Jupiter's, and whilst it could be argued that the fictional family were just trying to survive, Sawney's group were after gold and riches.

Although, comparing the ethics of murderous cannibals is a bit of a waste of time.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.