10 Horror Movies That Make Silence Terrifying

8. The Platform

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Galder Gaztelu’s film The Platform has a way of using silence to mess with you on a personal level. Something that most films struggle to do.

Imagine you wake up inside a horizontal prison with people above and below. You can see up and down via the hole in the middle of everyone's cells. Every day, a platform of food is lowered down to each floor, with enough for everyone on every floor - but due to people's greed, it often runs out before reaching the lower floors. Every month your floor is changed in your sleep.

You're allowed one personal item, so if you're clever it'll be something to help you survive. This is the premise of The Platform. And whilst you could debate this is a horror film, the things seen and heard on the lower floors are enough to make you think otherwise.

The characters here don’t talk to those above them because they are above them, and don’t talk to those below because they are below them. It's a different type of silence, one entirely self-inflicted by characters trapped in one viscious, cyclical system.


A lad and his parrot who have too much time on their hands. I also write short horror stories as well at: https://twitter.com/soon_told